All the Terrain I Made in 2022


Just like its counterpart for painted miniatures, this is a roundup post.

2022 was a pretty good year for making terrain - probably my favourite part of the hobby - and finished with an exciting development I'll get into later.

I've not tallied up my terrain making in the same way as the figures; it doesn't really make sense to me to compare a painted plastic sign to a scratch built building, so let's assess the output qualitatively instead of quantitatively, going via theme again.

17th Century

Starting with what's in the header image; I started building a terrain collection for playing 17th century games. I only finished two items - the scratch built row of facades you see above (mostly foam, with card overlay and purchased laser-cut MDF windows), and the bought MDF kit below.

As  with all of my other terrain projects this year, I started far more than I finished, so these two will be joined by several other items in the coming months.

Far East 

To go with my figures for refighting the Malaya 1941 campaign, I expanded my existing collection of jungle with some bamboo stands, more generic jungle and a rural stilted house.

The vegetation followed the time-worn method of plastic plants repainted and glued to MDF bases.

The house was from Sarissa Precision, with a little work done to it to hide the 'MDF look'
I also worked on other bits and pieces - paddy fields, banana plantations and the like - which for one reason or another I never got around to finishing.

Not strictly limited to the Far East, but included here as that's the setup I photographed it on, are a flexible caulk river, roads and wooden bridge. I can't recommend the method highly enough - there are a million tutorials out there, but I quite like the one linked.


I also expanded my collection of Mediterranean terrain this year with a few pieces. This is a TTCombat building from their Venice range, improved with the addition of some card roof tiles and filler to texture the walls.

The base it sits on is scratchbuilt from foam, textured wallpaper, card and foamed PVC.

This little orchard is also scratchbuilt in the same manner as the villa, and is full of cheap plastic trees from eBay.

Finally, stone walls are ubiquitous across much of the Mediterranean. I scratchbuilt a couple of metres of them from a foamed pvc base covered in cat litter - and for once I remembered to take photos of the process, so there's a full tutorial to come.

Next Year

What's coming next year? Well, it involves one of these:


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