Modern 20mm: Some Taliban, and an adobe building

Yet another project! I am terrible when it comes to finishing things, but it doesn't really matter, especially as I rarely play games. That said, I do intend to finish a few things before the summer, some of which will be sold to finance more toys - Vostroyans, I'm looking at you.

The building is made from a core of foamboard, with Artex texturing spackle covering, and Plasticard doors and windows. The long window was meant to be a shop window, but I haven't decided quite what to do with it.

Taliban takes aim with an RPG.

The taliban. The figures are the really well sculpted and cast plastic figures from Caesar Miniatures, labelled as 'Modern Urban Resistors'. They include figures suitable for European and Middle Eastern terrorists.

The taliban leader, with some kind of russian looking assault rifle/LMG.

Rear view, showing the excellent sculpting.

One of the AK toting grunts. This figure could be suitable for both types of terrorist. I've given him darker skin to fit in with the other Taliban, but with a suitably caucasian flesh colour, he could pass as a Baader-Meinhof style guy as well.


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