Finishing stuff up: Imperial Guard squad, 28mm Rifemen and 20mm WW2

So on day two of my finishing up, I finished basing my Cadian Imperial Guard squad, my 28mm Napoleonic Riflemen and some of my numerous WW2 miniatures. I also finished assembly of my 1/72nd Super Cobra helicopter gunship, which I don't have pictures for. Without further ado, here are some pictures.

The first five members of the Cadian squad.

Squad flamer, and the corporal, who is clearly of Catachan origin. The whole squad was based on the Parachute regiment, hence my crude attempt at painting DPM, and the berets.

The squad sergeant. The berets in this picture were sculpted with Milliput.

Squad vox/radio and the squad's grenade launcher. Although you can't see it in this photo, the lasgun has an underslung grenade launcher similar to the US M203 grenade launcher.

This is the real M203, attached to an LR-300 assault rifle.

And here's the other half of the squad, five grunts. Without heads. There's a story behind this: i got bored of sculpting berets, so I'm going to invest in some West Wind Productions bereted heads. However, I clearly haven't got round to it yet.

2 pairs of skirmishing Riflemen, from Perry Miniatures. The effects of the Matt Cote can be  seen on the right hand rifleman...meaning that it frosted on me.

2 stands of Italeri US Infantrymen. These are basic grunts.

And here's their support: on the left is a mortar, and on the right a HMG.

A Bazooka team. I clearly need more GIs, but for now I'm off to assemble my new T-72, and paint my Cobra.


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