Space Marine Chaplain with scythe finished!

So today I painted the base. I started out with a basecoat of Khemri Brown, then wetbrushed it with first a 1:1 mixture of Khemri Brown and Bleached Bone, then with pure Bleached Bone. I might try and wash it with a dirty green to make it look old and weathered, but I still haven't decided on that, so to all intents and purposes this model is done.

A close up of the base. Sorry about the blurry picture.

Here are a few more pictures showing the progression of the painting:

Juat bare metal, before attaching the scythe.

After basecoating and painting the face. Note the failed attempt at a red metal effect on the scythe blade, which came out pink.

In this picture, I've basecoated everything and have started applying highlights. No details apart from the face have been done yet.
This picture shows the highlighting finished, but before adding details.

Painting finished, just the base to go. All details such as script on the parchment and purity seals have been added.

The finished product. This took me about 10 hours from start to finish. I may do an army of these guys now, but I will need to decide which codex to use. I may go with Blood Angels for the Assualt Squad troops.

I also went down to my GW as promised, but didn't take any pictures of the game I played with my Eldar, because my opponent was a complete arsehole and kept trying to cheat. I did however, get some pictures of the store's copy of Island of Blood being opened.

The front of the box.

...And the contents. Not very exciting, especially as there are higher quality pictures available on the GW website, but there you go.


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