Terrain building, War of the Ring and a painting update (WIP churchyard)

So, after the poll my one voter decided that they wanted more terrain building, battle reports and painting updates. So here are all three:

This is my 1/72nd (20mm) scale church, which i can use for any post 1500-ish wargame (except for the shed) It is made from a card kit, and based on a vinyl tile from Circle 7, a local odd bits store. The bench is by Peco, and the compost heap is made from Milliput, with a bit of plastic rod for the handle of the spade. The shed is a lamp shed from one of Metcalfe's card kits. It still requires gravestones adding, and grass. The sand will be washed with the Army Painter's Quickshade Strong Tone, then drybrushed. The tree will also need to be glued down and some fences added.

On a side note, I played a game of War of the Ring this afternoon, and proxied my Elves as an army of Mordor. I tried setting up combos, and came up with this:


Morannon Orcs: 6 companies.

These guys were chosen because they were cheap, and because they had strength 4 and a defence of 7 to the front.

Fate: Sigil of Fallen Kings

This gave the orcses +1 strength, boosting them to strength 5. The fate does damage the formation if you lose combat, but I wasn't expecting to, so it was fine.

Epic Hero: Khamul the Easterling  (Ringwraith)

This guy's special rule comes into play when the orcs take casualties. For each hit, roll a die and on a 5 or 6 that hit can be assigned to another formation with 12''. There is no restriction on this, so you can take casualties from one unit, roll, and place the casualties on a completely different unit. Plus, he's a mastery 3 caster and knows the spells of Dismay and Darkness

Epic Hero:  The Betrayer  (Ringwraith)
His special rule makes you reroll misses, so this combined with being strength 5 meant that my orcs could really dish out the hurt. And he can cast spells. I was using both 'wraiths to transfix enemy units to stop them getting flank charges while i destroyed one unit at a time. I also tried to Black Dart Aragorn, but it didn't work.

Epic Hero: Gothmog

I included this guy on a whim, but his Master of Battle rule makes other Epic Heros think twice before using Epic actions. This comes in handy in stopping people using such things as Epic Defence on the formation that my morannon orcs are going to charge, because it will just get used against them. Plus, if they come up against something really hard, he has Epic Defence to boost them to defence 9. Oh, and he counts as an army banner.

Others:  I had a couple of trolls tagging along, and some naked Mordor Orcs to act as a meat shield.

TOTAL POINTS:  560 + Trolls and Mordor Orcs 

This unit was meant to utterly destroy any unit it came up against, and it worked. It wiped out a 4 company formation of Guards of the Fountain Court, with Aragorn and Boromir attached, even after Boromit killed Khamul. Aragorn challenged The Betrayer, but actually lost the duel, with The Betrayer inflicting two hits on Aragorn.

I could probably have made a better deathstar, but there you go for now. I may try again when I next play. That's all for now folks. Tomorrow I should be able to finish the church, and at some point i will renew painting my elves. Those last four Warriors of Chaos will have to wait.


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