Cold War Gone Hot: Modular Railway, and Snipers

So today, because I've run out of tanks and stuff to paint, I made some railway sections.

The idea behind these is just like modular roads, except with railway track.

I got a 1' square vinyl floor tile, and cut it into 2'' by 12'' strips, and glued the track down with PVA, then glued ballast around the track. After that was dry, I applied more PVA and flocked the edges.

The finished result.

A close up of the track.

Here are the snipers I also finished up:

The first sniper. He's wearing a khaki flak vest, and a DPM jacket and trousers. I'm not sure what type of rifle he's carrying. He wears a DPM floppy hat.

A rear view. His base (and his fellows) need flocking, but the Quickshade was still drying on the sand.

His mate. He wears a DMP jacket and trousers, but no flak vest. He has a brown bandana round his head.

Another view. The bushes were added before the sand was washed with Quickshade (strong tone)

That's all for now, I have a squad of Spec-ops troopers in NOMEX gear and other stuff on the painting table, and I'm going to look for more tanks (because those Russians really need help)


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