Welcome to my blog!

Hello all, I'm Dan, and this is my blog about wargaming. Here you will find stuff from lots of different genres and periods, as well as pictures of what I am working on. The part of the hobby I am most interested in is the hobby side of it: painting, and scenery making.

 As an impoverished student, many of armies are made of 20mm plastic figures from the likes of Italeri, Revell, Dragon, Airfix, etc. I also have a small 28mm British Napoleonic army, made using the excellent Perry figures. As is probably inevitable, I also have some of Games Workshop's products, including an Eldar army, an elven army for Lord of the Rings, and a few random miniatures that I liked.

This blog is supposed to encourage me to get in regular amounts of painting (a cliche I know!) and also partly to stop me flitting between projects like I have done before. Here is a list of my armies:

Scale               Period                 Army
28mm             Napoleonic         British
20mm             Napoleonic         British
20mm             Napoleonic         French
20mm             Napoleonic         Prussian
20mm             Vietnam             US Marine Corps
20mm             Vietnam             Vietcong
20mm             WW2                British Paras
20mm            WW2                German Tiger company
28mm             Sci-Fi                40k Eldar
28mm             Fantasy             Lord of the Rings High Elves

I also have lots of other random stuff, such as a few converted WW2 British Colonial troops for the Malayan Campaign.

I hope you enjoy your visit here, and keep checking back here for more stuff!


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