(Ghillie) suited and booted

I needed an OP team fr my Rapid Fire! cold war British battalion, but there weren't any models available, so I'm converting some WW2 figures to be my ghillie suit wearing OP team members.

This radio man was an Airfix Commando from one of their ancient sets. Most of them are truly aweful models, however the important parts; hands, radio, feet and face, were fine. Casting quality doesn't really matter if it's going to be covered in Green Stuff.

A comparison shot with an unaltered commando radioman. The odd sticklike thing is meant to be a radio ariel. I'm using a piece of wire on mine instead.

An Italeri prone rifleman, with his gun cut away. After Greenstuff work, his helmet will be replaced by a hood, and he'll be leaning on a map, pointing at enemy positions or something.

Another prone Italeri figure, this one an 8th army Bren gunner.

Another couple of figures that were considered for use. The random cuboid between the right hand guy's legs would have been painted as a map case.

More prone figures considered for conversion.

Note, I haven't actually decided which figures to use apart from the radio man yet, so you'll have to check back to see which models I finally go with.


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