
I spent some time this evening assembling some containers for my 28mm Sci-Fi gaming. These containers are 28mm paper models from

There are four different styles of container in the Pdf, I have assembled three of them, but my photos of the third one didn't come out.

This shot shows the end detail. The models are nicely textured, and quite detailed for paper models.

One of my Vostroyans for scale.

These containers are, in my opinion, excellent. They look good, take less than 15 minutes to make, and they're free!


  1. Looks good, and thanks for sharing that link! I may have a project some rainy day!

    I wonder if those sorts of things might be more cheaply done at a Kinkos or something instead of on a home printer...

  2. Possibly. If I'd thought to use decent quality paper/card then they'd be better.

  3. Thanks so much 4 the awesome link ur terrain looks good but I have a q, is that container like twice the size of a vostroyan?

  4. Well they're 47mm high, and a Vossie including hat and base stands about 36mm high. The containers are designed for a 28mm sci fi game called Infinity, so they should be the right size for 28mm figures.


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