Finishing stuff up: Eldar Craftworld Terrain

So before I launch into another project (see my post below on Cold War Gone Hot), I've decided to finish some other projects to a point where I can comfortably stop. One of these was my 40k Eldar Craftworld terrain. Made from assorted bottles and other junk, the aim was to capture the 'feel' of an Eldar Craftworld, on the cheap and without taking too much time. Whether I've succeeded is in the eye of the viewer. Personally I feel that for a project that was almost free, the results aren't too shabby. Here it is, Ladies and Gentlemen, the Eldar Craftworld terrain:

This is my Avatar Chamber thingy. It's made from a  washing up liquid box, with plasticard doors. The pillars are from the Mines of Moria boxed set.

A close up of the Avatar rune, copied from the Eldar Codex.

A view of the back. The big gold thing was a little plastic disk thingy I picked up from the side of the road. I have about a dozen or so of them. the idea behind it is that it channels psychic energy into the chamber. There will be more of these dotted around.

The next piece was designed as an Eldar Bastion for when Planetstrike came out. This shows just how long some of this stuff has been kicking around half finished.

A close up of the door. I've tried to keep things like doors simple and high tech looking. This one still needs painting, and possibly a few runes. This building was made from a Tesco 1 litre bottle, and some other small stuff.

This ampitheatre is supposed to be an area for the Harlequins to perform, when they're not chopping people up.

A closer view. This piece is based on a 1' square ceiling tile, as will all the pieces when they're finished. The intention is to have a 6' by 4' Craftworld table, however for now I'm just finishing up the buildings I already started.

The last building is a small bio-dome. It will either be used to grow food, as even Eldar have to eat, or as a Wraithbone tree 'nursery'. 

A close up of the door. I'm assuming that all the doors are psychically sensitive, so only an Eldar or other psyker can open them, and eliminating the need for doorknobs and other crude handles. By the way, the rune is supposed to represent a plant or tree, with roots and branches.

None of these pieces are completely finished, and I have a couple more that didn't make it into this photo shoot, so there will be another post on my Eldar Terrain, but for now, that's all from me.


  1. Like the idea but most of this is impassable terrain. You probably should think about one or two pieces where you can actually place models in elevated positions or inside (like if one of the structures had been a kind of ruin)

  2. I do have a couple of non-impassable terrain pieces coming along. I was also hoping to do ruined versions of all the terrain pieces.


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