WiP Space Marine Chaplain with Scythe # 2

So after another three hours of painting, I've nearly finished my new Chaplain. The armour is just about done, as are the purity seals, scrolls, face and gold areas. I still need to paint the energy effect on the scythe, and put some lettering on the purity seals and the big scroll hanging off his belt. I also have to base him up, but I'm not decided on how. Ideally the base should be replicable (is that even a word?) easily, so i can copy the colours/basing style on any other marines I might eventually buy. I've included a poll in the sidebar at the left, so you can vote.

Here are some more photos:

This shot shows the freehanded double scythe icon, and the nameplate, which reads Corvus, which is latin for Raven.

This shot shows the chaplain's face a bit better. The metallic side of the face has been done with a red eye, in an attempt to make it look like the Terminator, while the other eye has been done with Enchanted Blue.

Not pictured: power armour
Lastly, here's a couple of pictures of the LOTR Elves I painted while waiting for the undercoats and washes to dry:
Very dark images, I know, but it's dark here in Blighty so my pseudo-lightbox isn't backlit.

Although they were speed-painted, they don't look this cartoonish in real life. I merely resorted to using flash for this photo so I could actually see the miniature. Some of the other pictures used flash as well, but it didn't wash them out nearly as much as it did on this one.

That's all for now folks, I'll take some better pictures tomorrow morning, but I probably won't get any painting done as I've got band practice all day with my band, Search for the Sound. Thanks for stopping by, and don't forget to vote!


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